I. Getting Bidding Document for eSubmission
A Bidder who wishes to submit the bid electronically may download the Bidding document from MWSDB website (https://melamchiwater.org), once the Bidder is registered after providing all details as a Bidder.
A bank deposit of required amount (Bid Fee) in the revenue account of the Employer as specified in the Bid notice and/or Bidding document is required at the final registration of Bid as a Bidder participating through eSubmission.
Alternatively, the Bidder can use hard copy of Bidding document purchased from MWSDB to scan and prepare electronic copies in respective PDF files to submit through eSubmission.
i) All interested Bidders shall, at first, purchase/download the Bidding documents from the Employer's office/website as specified in the tender notice.
ii) The Bidder shall duly fill the following documents and forms in hard copy as requested in the Bidding documents. The following sections are more importantly reviewed.
- Bill of Quantity (BOQ) – with clearly mentioned the offered rate and amount.
- Forms of Bid,
- Qualification Information (or other documents as per the nature of Bid)
II Prepare the Electronic Bid Documents in PDF Format
When paper Bid set is completely prepared then the Bidder (or authorized person, firm or representative) should sign every page of the document with office seal as in paper Bid document. Once all paper work is finished, the Bidder shall then scan the completed original document (signed and sealed) with all section.
Please follow the following table to put the names of scanned PDF files for the corresponding section of Bidding document. We strongly recommend to make the size of the respective PDF files smaller than 5 MB so that it is easier to upload even in low speed internet connection.
Table: eBidding Document Preparation Table
Document |
PDF File Name (<5.0 MB) |
Requirement |
Remarks |
1 |
Bank Voucher |
A Copy of Bank Voucher for Revenue Paid to Employer's Account (BV001.PDF) |
Mandatory |
2 |
Form of Bid |
Duly Filled and Signed Bid Form (BF002.PDF) |
Mandatory |
3 |
Bid Security (Bank Gurantee) |
Bid Security Letter from Respective Banks (BG003.PDF) |
Mandatory |
4 |
Company Registration |
Company Registration Certificate (CR004.PDF) |
Mandatory |
All firms in case of JV |
5 |
VAT Registration |
Proof of VAT Registration Document (VR005.PDF) |
For National Firms |
All firms in case of JV |
6 |
Tax Clearances Certificate |
Updated Tax Clarance Certificate (TC006.PDF) |
For National Firms |
All firms in Case of JV |
7 |
Power of Attorney of Bid Signatory |
Proof of Power of Attorney to Participate in Bidding (PA007.PDF) |
Mandatory |
8 |
Joint Venture Agreement |
Proof of JV Agreement (JV008.PDF) |
Mandatory |
In Case of JV |
9 |
Qualification Information |
Brief Company Profile/Qualification Information (QI009.PDF) |
Mandatory |
10 |
Duly Filled BOQ with Offered Rate and Amount with all Totals |
Filled and Signed BOQ (BOQ010.PDF) |
Mandatory |
Mandatory – This means the mentioned document/file shall be in eSubmission and non submission of such file shall result the Bid to be non-responsive.
Once all scanned PDF files are completed and named them appropriately open them one by one ensuring every files are perfect and no problem in opening from any PDF editor (we use PDF editor higher then Acrobat Reader 5.0).
Note – Bidder can only submit their Bid electronically or Hard copy; either single registration (Submission of both electronic and Hardcopy will disqualify the Bidder in participating in Bidding as this makes 2 copies of same Bid by same Bidder which is against the ITB clause).
The true hardcopy (scanned) of the document submitted may also be required at the time of Bid opening which shall be a good reference to review in case of any problem in editing soft copy. But if there found any variance in hardcopy and soft copy of the same Bidding set electronic copy will be the valid for further processing.
However, for any extra clarification for the electronically submitted bid in PDF files, the Bidder can attach the scanned copies of extra documents as additional documents with the same set of electronic Bid through eSubmission service.
III. Some Keys to Keep in Mind while Submitting the Bid Electronically
- The eSubmission system will accept the electronic Bids 24 hrs from the date after publishing the notice and until the validity period. Once the deadline is reached, an eSubmission service no longer accepts the uploading of document from eSubmission container.
- The standard time for eSubmission is the Standard time of Nepal (GMT+5:45 hrs) as regulated by world time clock and the time set out by MWSDB.
- In case of eSubmission of bid, the Bidder shall submit his bid electronically in PDF files in the manner as specified in ITB Clause only, and submission of hard copy (original document) shall not be required. (Submission of Bids from both channel will disqualify the Bidder) as per the ITB clause.
- We recommend to submit the eBids well before due date. Waiting up to last hours may caused slow processing in accepting eBid application as more applications might submitted simultaneously.
IV Submission eBid Application via eSubmission
- Once the electronic Bid files are ready the Bidder shall connect to internet, browse MWSDB’s website –https://melamchiwater.org, navigate eSubmission services and open an account as a Bidder.
- Provide all details as requested in the Bidder’s profile form and get the Welcome letter with login details – the same user name and password will be usedl for any future Bidding with the same login details.
- Use the provided login details to login as a Bidder, choose and click the specific tender notice for which the scanned documents are to be sent.
- Upload all PDF files in the respective document uploading container of eSubmission services one by one. Ensure all PDF file names are as requested by the system (refer eBidding document preparation table). Please take your time to upload all documents completely and perfectly without causing any error from your web browser. eSubmission services only accepts uploading of documents within a specified date and time or Bid submission validity period.
- Once all the specified scanned PDF files and documents are uploaded successfully in the eSubmission Container, Bidder now can Submit the Bid using Submit button at the bottom for final submission of eBid application. Upon successful transmission of all eBid application files, the Bidder shall receive an auto generated confirmation e-mail from the system mentioning all documents are loaded successfully.
- It is mandatory that the Bidder should get a confirmation letter from the eSubmission system as an acknowledgement of receipt of completed eBid application in order.
- Bidder need to keep the hard copies of scanned paper bid document set, qualification information, and other related documents safely as the Buyer may ask to present them while opening the Bid or in the process of Bid evaluation (It is not essential that all hard copy of the submitted Bid document also need to be submit to BWSDB within specified Bid submission time. But the Bidder needs to keep all the hardcopy of that document as it is and the confirmation letter received from eSubmission services safely which may require presenting at the time of Bid opening).
- The Bidder may also include any supporting document or additional scanned files from the additional document loading container at the same page for loading eBid application.
For any technical assistance while submitting eBidding application Bidder may directly contact at:
Melamchi Water Supply Development Board
Planning and Procurement Unit
Minbhawan, Kathmandu
Phone – 977-1- 4469315
Email - [email protected]
VI Provision for Substitution / Modification or Withdrawal of Bids
Unlike paper Bid application (hard copy), eSubmission service also provides the opportunity for substitution, modification or withdrawal of Bid/Documents in part or whole if there is still Bid validity period to do so. With this facility the Bidder may.
- submit his/her substitution or modification or withdrawal of a part of Bid document or whole bidding set;
- follow similar steps as specified in ITB clause with a substitution letter in scanned PDF file;
- submit scanned PDF document for modification or withdrawal letter and also a written power o attorney of the signature to do so duly signed by authorized representative or the firm or all authorized JV partners (in case of JVs).